Holy Qur'an - Chapter 113
Review of Suratal "Falaq" or "The Dawning"
- Expanded Overview of Chapter

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Go To:  Review of Holy Qur'an - Chapter 113

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all.

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

Here is an Expanded Overview of our Review of "Chapter 113", Suratul "Iklas" or "The Dawning", from the Holy Qur'an.  This Expanded Overview is a continuation of the explanation that is started about this Chapter at the top of the first page of this Review.

                                                                                                                        - go to top of page
Expanded Overview - of Chapter 113

My dearest loving brothers and sisters, Suratal "Falaq" or "Mankind" is the next to last Chapter in the Holy Qur'an, and is the second Chapter we should read and understand, for it beautifully describes the second main thing that supports our current state, which is everything currently below us, which is our very own body, a body of illusion made of the 4 elements that have fallen out of the state of the Kalimah, out of "Oneness with" God within us, out of the remembrance of God within us with each breath, a body of illusion which supports our current state of "separation from" God within us, the state that we have in our ignorance grown in our own hearts, in ignorance of "who we truly are", of "where we truly are", and of "what is truly happening" in our life.

Resulting in, along with what is above us, along with our very own thoughts, the state of our current life, of "us" living a life of "separation and differences", a life of sin, a life of "selfishness", on the "outside" of us, a life that we are now experiencing as "us" and our dearest loving brothers and sisters living in the world that we now see in our collective ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.

For as our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, teach us in our age, and now as
His Children
(may God be pleased with each of Us) teach us right now,

          "The body is the one veil that separates a True Man from God.  All the other veils
          must be turn away, all the forces of the mind, all the miracles, must be cast off
          so they cannot deceive us, turning us into snakes and scorpions, dogs and
          foxes, demons, and crazy men".

          "We must tear them out by the roots and throw them away.  Only then can we
          establish that connection with God.  The heart is the mirror that can help us
          form that connection of devotion to God.  We must see ourselves in that mirror
          and speak God.  Amen".

And we can only do this, in our age, which is like no age before it, by "us" again becoming "One with" God within us, by "us" first becoming "One with" with the "Gift of God" for our age, with the life and teaching of God for our age, in order to bring these 400 trllion, 10 thousand spiritual energies back under our foot, like the earth, which we must do, or at least truly start to do, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh.

If we are to truly begin to learn again, as we were learning before we came to our current state, our current state of "separation from" God, begin to learn again as we did in the world of souls, in our mother's womb, and for the first two years of life in this earth world, before we,

          "Forgot God and fell into many a trap, and stopped searching for who we truly
          are, and for where we truly are, and for what is truly happening to us, even though
          God exists within us, because in our ignorance, and even worse, because in
          our arrogance about our ignorance, we continue act out a life of "separation and
          differences" with our dearest loving brothers and sisters on the "outside" of us,
          as if we have already correctly answered these very important question of life,
          when in truth we haven't, when in truth we are just being silently led to hell by our
          mind and desire, to an eternal life as "separate from" God within us, which will
          then become our permanent state within us after we die to the flesh, an eternal
          state of "separation from" God within us.  Such then becomes our fate".
For as our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, teach us on page 6 in the "Forward" to the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom", that is,

          "Man appearing on this earth, forgets God and falls into many a trap.  He does
          not know to seek himself although God exists within man.  This "Pearl of Wisdom
          or Guru Mani" is to explain this concept in detail."

[Note: the concept reference in this quotation is called Tawhid in the Islamic tradition, or the affirmation of the Unity of Allah, the affirmation of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within each of us, in everything that we "say or do", in this way, estblishing the "Presence of God" within us before we "say or do" anything, and in the Christian tradition this concept is called the Mystery of the Holy Trinity or the Mystery of the Immaculate Conception).

In this way, we must find and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, realizing it and understanding it as the "Word of God" for our age, and accepting it as the life of God for our age, and then joining it as "what God is doing" within us in our age, if we are to truly begin again what God started within us a very long time ago, what God started within us even before we were born into this earth world, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.

If we are to be cured of our current illness, cured of our current state of "separation from" God within us, if we are to truly begin to move forward again on the "Path of God" within us, on the "Path of True Faith in God" within us, which in the Islamic tradition is called Iman" within us, and in the Christian tradition is referred to as the "Faith of John the Baptist", the faith through which all men can again begin to truly "believe in the Light" of God within us, which in truth is our liberated soul joined as "One with" our wisdom.

For as Jesus (peace be upon Him) teaches us, as recorded in the "Gospel of John", in
Chapter 01
, in Verses 6 to 14,

          "There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a
          witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He
          was not the Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

          That was the true Light, which lightened every man that cometh into the world.
          He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him
          not. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not.

          But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the Suns (the
          Lights) of God (to the world), even to them that believe in His name. Which were
          born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
          And the Word was made flesh, and dwell among us, full of grace and truth.

In this way, the "Path of True Faith in God" or Iman was shown to us, was demonstrated to us, over 2000 years ago, at the time of "John the Baptist" (peace be upon Him) and of Jesus (peace be upon Him), as the faith of "John the Baptist" (peace be upon Him) and as the Light of Jesus (peace be upon Him), as the faith of a true witness of God, a true witness of what God was doing in that age, which was revealing His Light, His Life, which is our soul, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him), as the Sun of God, over 2000 years ago.

With "John the Baptist" (peace be upon Him) coming from God in that age to bear witness of the Light of God for that age, "that all men through him might believe", that all men in that age might believe in Jesus (peace be upon Him) on the "outside" of them in their age, and now in our age, with each of us coming in our age to bear witness of the Light of God for our age, that all men through our "True Faith in God", through our Iman, might believe in the "Light of God", in the Sun of God, for our age, which again is Jesus (peace be upon Him), but this time within us, within each of us, if we like.

That is, so "John the Baptist" (peace be upon Him) within each of us might believe in the "Light of God" for our age, might believe in our liberated soul joined as "One with" our awakened wisdom, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within each of us, if we will only let Him, let the Light of God within each of us be revealed within us, by God within us, if we will only join as "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age and become that witness of the Light of God for our age, which is again Jesus (peace be upon Him), but this time, in our age, within us, as the Light of God, as the Sun of God, for our age. Amen.

And do this by drawing upon the strength of faith within us, that God has placed within each of us, a very long time ago, which is Adam (peace be upon Him) within us, which after the recover of Adam (peace be upon Him) from His fall from grace becomes the "Palace of our soul", becomes the House of wisdom within us, the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) within us, the strength of faith or Iman required to lead us back into the "Truth of God" within us, with "us" joined as "One with" God within us revealing the Sun of God from within us along the way, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, and in this way, with "us" using God within us to remove the main thing that now supports our life of "separation from" God within us, on the "outside" of us, which are our very own thoughts.

In this way, removing the state of "separation from" God within us, the state that we have in our ignorance grown in our hearts, in ignorance of "who we truly are", of "where we truly are", and of "what is truly happening" in our life, resulting in the state of our current life, of "us" living a life of "separation and differences", a life of sin, a life of "selfishness", on the "outside" of us, a life that we are now experiencing with our dearest loving brothers and sisters in the world that we now see in our collective ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.

A life being ruled over by our very own thoughs, and by our illusory body, as explained to us in Suratul "Nas" or "Mankind", and in Suratul "Falaq" or "The Dawnng", with the
Mischief of the Whisperer (of evil)" being our very own thoughts, being the 400 trillion, 10 thousand spiritual energies that now rule over us, being now what is "above us", like the ether or sky, being what is now "beyond the control of the mind", and with the "Mischief of of Created things, of Darkness as it overspreads, of Those who practice Secret Arts, and of the Envious One as he practices envy", all joining together within us to give us an illusion of what is below us, of a body living in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.

For as our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, teach us in our age, and as His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) are teaching us right now,

          "We must join in partnership with God within us, that is, with our wisdom, and
          with the truth of God within our wisdom, to bring our very own thoughts again
          beneath our feet, like the earth that we now tread upon, if we are ever to truly
          learn about "who we truly are", about "where we truly are", and about "what is
          truly happening" in our life.

          And having understanding this, again begin to move forward on the "Path of God"
          within us in our own lifetime, that is, before we die to the flesh, before we
          physically die to the "outside" of us. 

          For if we do, if we truly start to do this before we die to the flesh, in partnership
          with God within us, then God within us will do everything else.  This is God's
          guarantee for our age".

For example, They teach us on page 3 in the "Introduction" to the beautiful book of wisdom, "Shaikh and Disciple", that is,

          "First I had to learn about the ether, the sky, the section above the head. Ether
          can conceal the (true) self. There are many clouds, many colors, many hues,
          many suns, moons, stars, thunder and lightening, rain, gales, and storms
          overhead. All that is above the mind is like ether.

          So much exists beyond the mind; there are four hundred trillion, ten thousand
          different sections. Energies, cells, viruses, spirits, saktis, illusion, darkness,
          torpor - whatever is beyond the control of the mind is like the ether or sky.

          But once you control these energies with wisdom, they become like the earth.
          Once you can control the thoughts of the mind, you are treading on earth. If we
          can control what is above us and bring it under our feet, then we can learn".

May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us.  May God help us all.  Amen.

My love you (anbu) - my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

Review of Chapter 113
Suratul "Falaq" or "The Dawning"
- Expanded Overview -

This page was last updated on: April 13, 2005